The Office of Professional Standards has the responsibility to investigate all allegations of misconduct by members of the police department and to review and adjudicate all minor complaints which are handled by supervisors.
Additionally, the office of Professional Standards will review all firearm discharges by agency personnel that are not related to training, all use of force incidents, all vehicular pursuits undertaken by personnel and crashes involving department vehicles.
The Office of Professional Standards is responsible for receiving, processing and supervising Internal Affairs investigations that involve allegations of criminal conduct and acts of misconduct made against members of the Police Department. The Office of Professional Standards ensures allegations made against members of the Lumberton Township Police Department are thoroughly and objectively investigated to their logical conclusion. The Office of Professional Standards maintains comprehensive index of all complaints received against all members. This information is submitted to the Burlington County Prosecutors Office annually.
Should you wish to file a complaint, you may complete the form and submit it in person at 35 Municipal Dr. Lumberton, NJ 08048 or you can email it to